Double Trouble Fling To The Finish $2000 Streamer Tournament Frontpage Twitch And I’m Taking Part

On November 21st 7pm GMT 11am Pacific 1pm Easter and 8pm CET 48 teams of streamers will get together to take on the double trouble fling to the finish tournament from SplitSide Games, Daedalic Entertainment, and The Gaming Stadium

With a $2000 prizepool being paid over 8 places and the top team taking home $1000 the stakes are high as we join heads and go head to head to compete over 7 maps.

I’ve been teamed up with kookiee who is another british streamer and we’ve been practising and mastering the maps of the event and I’m pretty sure we’ve got a good chance of getting up into the paid spots, and we’re both competitive so we definitely will aim to come first

You can obviously tune in on my twitch channel and come offer support, and I’ve added a couple of temporary scuffed emotes to use for the event, available for subscribers but also purchasable in the channel points easily enough with a follow, feel free to spam these in chat or across on kookies or the main channel to show your support for our team.

I would really appreciate you popping by and cheering us on, and be sure to support kookiee too, this event will be on twitch frontpage also so will be my first big event of this kind, and it would be amazing if we could win this over streamers who have had more practise at this game than we have.

Be sure to also checkout the main event stream over at where they will be showing and switching between perspectives of all of the participants as well as keeping leaderboards and standings of the competitors.

If you like the look of the game and want to get it for yourself head over to Fling to the Finish on Steam (

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