Explaination for not updating

In this video I attempt to explain whats been going on in lifes, well one thing anyway thats effected me and made me not update as often as I should…

The apprentice

I feel they may have been chosen more for thier entertainment factor rather than thier business prowess. Frequently they would either lie or completely make up facts about products in order to get sales, they would badger people and blag thier way through the tasks with no actual management potential


I havent actually decided if I want to post more short ponderings when things pop in my head or wait to try and make some proper posts yet, but I doubt I’d…

Celebrities on game shows

Celebrities taking part on gameshows should not be allowed, its ridiculous, they earn large amounts anyway so when you see them on tv taking part in gameshows it doesn’t seem…

Human Evolution

The world appears to believe that as humans we have lost the ability to evolve, however that is strictly not true, if you look at human life you will notice…

Spirituality and the way they use human traits to thier advantage

I am currently watching louis therouxs weird weekends, sorry I cant spell his surname. anyway I notice that a lot of the “spiritual” methods they use can be explained through…

Im not one to write a diary

But I need to get my feelings out.  I just found out that the psycho is getting married, silly thing is we broke up partly because I felt she didnt…

Being human

It appears these days that being human is more about being secure and safe and not changing.  Every day the same old crap is repeated on tv, repeats of family…

nicotine and cigarettes

Okay so its been known for a very long time that cigarettes are full of crap and added shite which fucks up your body… yet they have also been releasing…

Humanities short sightedness

What is with humanities desire to live forever.. its a common theme, people desiring to live forever, parly why religions use that to convert people.. the promise of eternal life…