Extorting clampers jailed

I was reading the other day in the daily express that a group of clampers who had extorted upto £500,000 from motorists were jailed for 4 years, and obviousely I was interested to read this article because they were the same company who had towed away my mazda, knowing that they had been on watchdog and other programmes for acting illegally and with the extortionate daily charges they were asking for I refused to pay.

The company in question were NPC National Parking Control operating in birmingham, gary southall and wayne southall were both arrested along with clamp operator phillip bennet.

What the article did not mention was how to go about claiming your car back now that they had been arrested, I had been looking for an actual address to correspond to for a while in relation to getting my car back and they only had a fake forwarding address registered which was no good, and now that they will be in jail for years who knows how you’re meant to claim your vehicle back, will the government forward it to you or are you meant to wait til they get out of jail?

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