Happy valentines day, and for those of you not with someone hiding your feelings away too scared to make a move, life’s too short so why wait forever hoping that one day they’ll notice you or be more than just friends. If you’ve got deep feelings for someone and you want something more then take the risk and let them know how you feel, if they’re a good friend it won’t matter as you’ll still be able to be good friends but if they’re feeling things for you too you might just get what you’ve always dreamed of.
You might ask yourself why certain people get the girl while you don’t and how some people bat way out of their league, it’s not magic it’s not trickery or “super seducer” nonsense, the simple fact is they’re at ease with themselves and not afraid to make a move, chances are you’d hit it off with that girl you’ve always liked from afar if you just talk to her, if you’ve got things in common that make you like them then they’d probably like those things in you and often it’s these connections that lead to better relationships than physical attraction as looks change over the years. Obviously you would like someone who’s attractive to you but attractiveness is always subjective and different people find different looks and styles attractive so don’t rule yourself out whether you’re ultra thin or plump and round, the most manly of men or androgynous there are people that like different things and I’m sure there’s someone that meets what you’re looking for who’d be in to you too so don’t rule yourself out if you’re not out there and trying to find your perfect partner.
The other valentines tradition is that it’s said to be the one day girls can ask out guys, I find this a bit silly in 2019 where the world is supposed to be even and not sexist sure it’s a tradition but you’re ruling yourself out of all of the days of the year you could ask out that guy you’re interested in and rather than waiting for him when perhaps he’s unsure if you’re in a relationship or remotely interested to put a move on you it might be an idea for you to make the first move, if you’ve got feelings for them you’re free to start making moves and ask them out on a date to see if there’s a future there.
Don’t think about what could have been and wish while keeping your feelings secret forever, if there’s someone you want to be spending valentines day with go let them know, even if it is getting them a card as if you’re extra shy leaving a card can be a good way to communicate your feelings without having to get nervous or scared. Just don’t leave it anonymous that doesn’t help anyone.