Utopia Cucumber Banana Tofu Cockroaches Ebola Dystopia

With the upcoming release of “cucumber, banana, tofu” the three new drama’s being produced by e4 and being HEAVILY marketed on thier adverts as being three interconnected series based on…

Time FCUK Lets Play The Basement Collection

Playthrough of Time FCUK including the additional chapter 2 content only availble through the purchase of the basement collection. A fun and interesting puzzle game from before edmund mcmillen became…

Paying it forward with kindness in 2015

Taking part in the pay it forward campaign where 5 gifts will be sent to those who want in to recieve a gift that I think will make them smile…

Birmingham’s Terror Timebomb and Fox New’s “terror Expert”

In response to the utterly moronic statement by a terror expert on fox news https://t.co/wbreV0hgT7 I decided to make up some utterly ridiculous terrorist rant whilst pointing out how utterly…

Paperbound Alpha Preview

Paperbound is a fun game by dissidentlogic.com where the gameplay is very simplistic in nature but challenging, frantic and fun. Essentially you play as papercraft characters inside the pages of…

2015 New Year Rant On Looks Confidence and Change

Starting 2015 with a rant about looks and confidence and how I’m not currently happy with how I’m looking and feeling due to inactivity stuck in the middle of the…

Tiny Keep Lets Play Series Playlist

How to Escape Tiny Keep Playlist featuring all video’s as they are uploading, featuring the chronicles of indelacio the prisoner attempting to escape the prison of tiny keep, with failures…

Good Food Show Winter 2013 Review Lost Episode

This is a lost episode due to issues with using the honestech software to capture not only my live review but the footage from the show istself, with the fact…