Let’s Highlight Life Is Strange Episode One Chrysalis Complete Review

Life is strange is an episodic story driven game split into five episodes each being released six weeks apart so as to allow time for the player to play through at thier own pace and replay and change any consequences they weren’t entirely happy with before the next episode. This may sound rather simple at first, until you consider that you also have the ability to rewind time.

This might seem rather straight forward at first, test out the consequences rewind and choose the one that seems to fit best, however its not quite that simple as any objects and information you gain are retained as you exist outside of the rewind facility entirely. So while you can gain information to use in conversations and obtain a better outcome there is the possibility that you may learn things you wish you didn’t know and not be able to forget.

It is fairly easy to miss things on your first playthrough, especially as time goes on wherever you exist in the environment so chances are things are happening off screen and you have no idea. Episode one itself is very focused on setting up the moods and interactions with the main characters for future episodes, for example do you rush through life not talking to anyone or do you piss people off rather than be kind to them? Do you focus more on gaining evidence rather than socially interacting? All seem to have future consequences even down to the small things such as wether you watered your plant, which will undoubtedly have an influence on your emotional state which also seems to have an important standing in the plot of the game.

There is a licenced soundtrack, which unfortunately I could never show you due to third content ID claims by merlin despite having permission to show content of the game it is better to be safe than sorry, even if the music creators wished to be seen and heard by far reaching audiences through the game sometimes record labels have other idea’s. The music itself does seem to play an important part of the story as it is focused that you have to play the music, perhaps as a prelude hinting how it effects emotional states which could become important, especially with the nature of the game revolving around the social interactions and moods of all of the students of blackwell academy.

Stating that though the game revolves around several themes, much as quoted “a dream within a dream” the game has the main plot of max and her reunion with chloe and how you choose to interact with her after such a seperation, but also the sub plot of rachel amber’s dissappearance, and the superceding plot of time travel and the mysterious threat of the tornado.

There are a number of easter eggs within the episode, such as max’s tshirt, the posters and scribbles on the walls and other things I couldn’t possibly state without spoiling things entirely, but if you keep your eye open there is much more than just the main game and the pretty hand drawn artwork and textures of the game to keep you entertained.

Any issues that were initially present such as stutters in cutscenes, and mysterious tye-died textures appearing have been since resolved so were you to purchase the game and play through yourself you would not experience these and for future episodes these should not be present upon release.

All in all episode one has been a great teaser of things to come with a cliffhanger at the end showing things are definately not as they seem, depending on how much you read into things you could draw a number of consequences.

Either way I suggest you buy the game and play through for yourself, wether you buy episode one for £4 or the full season for £16 you won’t regret the purchase with a playtime of 1-3 hours for a single playthrough depending on wether you rush past all human interaction or take your time to explore and converse with the characters, and I can presume at least 2 hours play per episode for those yet to be released with the more complex puzzles and interactions which will undoubtedly be coming forward.

Check out life is strange for yourself, it is avilable to purchase now on steam and a recommended purchase from me.


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