Dust: An Elysian Trail Single Play Review: A Fun and Moving Action Platformer Narrative

Dust: an elysian tail is a really fun action platformer with metroidvania elements and levelling systems with a fully voiced story along the way, the gameplay comes through exploring the worlds fighting off a wide variety of monsters along the way as you explore the realms of the world as well as fighting off a variety of bosses.

The game has a very nice artistic palate and the combat is very fun as you learn new moves and discover new abilities which may also allow you to explore area’s previously locked off and perhaps even find secrets along the way, it also includes the obligatory wall chicken joke references within the game.

There is a lot of challenge to be had, and whilst it’s entirely possible to break the game and glitch your floating abilities to be able to zip around the map and fly (and perhaps find some secrets you’re not meant to find until later) this does get a little limited due to your stamina potentials, the variety of enemies is also good as they all come with their own challenges and you can’t simply just mash through everything with your attack power in order to progress and defeat the game so you do feel a level of challenge within the action.

Whilst this game doesn’t seem to be as well known as it deserves it’s definitely a really good and fun title that deserves more recognition than it has, and does come with a well thought out storyline alongside the gameplay which makes it worthwile playing through for yourself to discover.


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