I’ve gone through a lot over the years and the quality and output of this site has been effected by a number of events throughout the time and I wanted to take the time to thank those of you who have stuck with me through all of the problems and changes, and while I expected getting rehomed to be a fresh start I’ve had a significant number of issues which have got between me and outputting the content at the quality I would like, from computer’s breaking to windows 10 updates becoming a nemesis breaking a number of settings and destroying quality of output in new and creative ways I have to work around (not always successfully) as well as the unending nightmare of being sleep deprived by my upstairs neighbour and the paper thin ceiling as they stomp and bang around all night in a drunker stupor never allowing me to sleep.
Thankyou for sticking with me as I’ve been through everything here and I’m working to resolve a lot of the problems, and while I can’t fix the problem with stream window size with whatever the windows 10 update did in November last year ruining my ability to stream directly off the gaming pc being beyond my ability to solve I have been working through streaming off my secondary recording pc, which only has 1gb graphics card and as it’s a budget motherboard despite being powerful it might not handle a graphics card upgrade directly on that so there are some issues with this out of my capability short of yet another upgrade which I’m not in the state of mind to go through all of the hassle for again at this time. You will notice that there was a time where the frame rate started to stutter which I failed to notice having only checked one video and it seeming reasonable I had to change from mp4 recordings to flv due to this update and I can’t preview these before uploading so it went unnoticed that actually most of the recordings weren’t great quality and while I have a backlog I’ve made some changes that should at least resolve this quality issue in the future.
I aim to get back to writing good reviews for this site as well as the well edited lets highlight video’s to fit the content I’m talking about from my playthrough of the games, and have been putting this off for a number of reasons mostly being sleep deprivation and not being in a good state of mind to write content in the quality I would like as well as spending a lot of time and effort to fight against this problem unsuccessfully, though adding webcam footage to my video’s has made this job also even more difficult needing to essentially edit the footage to fit around without showing the webcam.
This obviously is a time intensive process as I not only have to edit the footage together to look good I have to sift through all of my gameplay to find the appropriate moments I’m referring to and still have a decent output of a product, as well as all of the processing and time spent writing the article in a meaningful and appropriate manner without forgetting things or being so sleep deprived you’re not in a good mood to write a happy article and this has not been possible during these times, and especially when I was in my last job overworked and underappreciated essentially spending my entire life in that restaurant or travelling to and from it and never really having the free time I needed to spend on the site and as a result content did drop off entirely.
Throughout the years obviously the site has evolved from simply being written articles to attempting to switch to video content alone through a partnership with blip.tv and realising that most of my readership were more into reading articles than viewing video’s to ending up on the hybrid content we have today.
Problems with life began in 2011 when my benefits were being illegally withheld and this lead to me losing my home and floating around often without internet between locations attempting to get rehomed and the 4+ years of nonsense I had to deal with tyring to get rehomed and it was supposed to be a new beginning and new hope to get here, yet I’ve had more problems than anticipated which have stood between me and the output of quality I’m aiming to achieve.
Upgrades have occurred through the years as we’ve moved from the old VHS tapes I use to record on (an artistic choice) to the 4k video I’m able to record on today (though youtube seems to just downscale it annoyingly) though changing all of the sites embeds from blip video’sto youtube after they shed all of their content creators was a bit of a pain and rebuilding a subscriber base on there after years of hiatus quality is hopefully getting back to the level I hope to achieve, as I’ve said though windows 10 update seems determined to be my enemy, having broken my ability to use my sony bravia tv resulting in a tiny screen being used until I find a replacement but putting it off to avoid stress as I’m going through enough and on a short tether with sleep deprivation anyway, to sound being broken in another update not noticed for 2 weeks of recordings along with the months of video quality suffering after having changed to flv trying to defeat current issues caused by updates.
Ideally I would be able to make enough money to fund a solution to all of my problems and fully upgrade my recording setup to match my gaming setup and have two top quality rigs so no issues would be experienced and output would definitely be of the quality expected and maybe even record separate gameplay footage without webcam and microphone so I an isolate the gameplay footage and use that in edited reviews with sound but without my VO. Another good thing would be I would be able to buy a home and get away from this nightmare of being tortured all night kept awake by a horrible neighbour who refuses to sleep at night often having loud conversations all night long directly above my bed as well as slamming around in what I recently discovered was an alcoholic stupor which explained a lot but doesn’t make things better.
Effort will be made to start getting the reviews back up in a timely manner, although I still want to maintain the quality of actually playing through the games to a significant enough standard to give a well rounded and considered review of the game perhaps along with an expected length and replayability standard, along with due consideration of other products and events I will be reviewing all with the quality standards I aim to achieve.
Obviously during my homeless nature without the capabilities of recording and editing to the standards I wanted to it was difficult to achieve reviews of a lot of events I wanted to put out, and after getting rehomed and going through all of these current issues I’ve put off attending any events and not attempted to put out any content for these even as press releases with information about the event, however I’m definitely going to start making efforts into getting back into this.
I have a small backlog of events I attended over the xmas period close together I have recorded video’s for and uploaded, not in the full expo style with editing and scenes from around the event as these were music events I wouldn’t have permission to record music footage at, but nonetheless I’ve got my views and I aim to give a written output on these events, and I’m also planning on attending some future events in the coming year including visiting insomnia64 in april and putting up some content around this on the site.
So while I have been ignoring and putting off a lot of issues and neglecting the site to avoid stress as I’ve had a hard enough time dealing with my antisocial neighbours and the nightmare in attempting to get anything done about this, along with the stress of rebuilding my life and putting a home together and getting any compensation above £20 for the years of suffering I was put through and the fact that I lost everything in my life has been very difficult to cope with. I feel like I’m ready to start pulling things together again here now I’ve got a bit more free time and attempting to solve some of the problems again (until inevitably another windows 10 update breaks everything again and I have another nightmare to deal with) so I would like to thank you for sticking with me through all of this as I hope to resolve even more of the problems, and while I know there are still things not as I would like it to be I have to take things one step at a time to avoid being overloaded with stress and get so depressed I’m not able to function.
You can look forward to at least 6 lets highlights coming very soon once I’ve edited them together and reviewed them as well as around 4 gig reviews I need to write the articles for as well as the upcoming events I’m going to be attending over the coming year and stepping back into.
Once again I apologise for neglecting the site and you whilst I’ve been going through all of this and I’m glad a number of you have stuck with me through this time and I aim to output content at the quality and level you deserve though it may be a process to get there fully due to things beyond my control or ability to fund I do aim to keep things up and get back into updating the site regularly, without lazy playlist posting and short written reviews rather than a decently edited and considered video review.